During the recording of The Interconnected Minds Podcast, our own Stacy Colella, TsaTsaTzu’s managing partner, fielded a question on what kinds of software solutions that we deliver. She answered by describing several different classes of Voice Assistant (VA) applications that make for useful voice-only tools:
1. Control WiFi enabled devices, i.e. the Internet of things (IoT)
2. Access information in real time, on-the-go
3. Act as concierges that provide access to goods or services
4. Provide alternate channels for direct communication : intercom, voice calls or conferencing
5. Create options for indirect communication, especially workplace collaboration tools
6. Develop new skill sets through brain training
She laid out these categories as a way of looking systematically for opportunities for innovation. Knowledge Workers (KWs) could use VAs to look up operational details or submit service requests for ongoing projects without stopping work midstream. Such applications are described as Lookup Games in the category bestseller Developing Amazon Alexa Games. KWs could also use VAs to maintain focus while also communicating hands-free and eyes-free with teammates or clients because Alexa and Google Assistant can be set up as intercoms, VOIP phones or conferencing solutions. These systems could also integrate with KW tools like Slack, IM or Wrike to enable private, secondary communication channels. KWs can even use VAs to train themselves on new modes of thinking or problem-solvinng a la abstract games like TsaTsaTzu’s MindMaze.
You can hear the podcast in its entirety here.