In The News

TsaTsaTzu has garnered attention from broad-based media sources as well as trade publications. Some articles reference our company’s technical achievements whereas others talk about the software we’ve released. Here are links to a few of our favorites. We’ll post more as they come in. And for everyone who’s written flattering things about us, thank you.

VentureBeat“Google Home gets an I/O action (again) and a poetry reader”” Khari Johnson@kharijohnson May 8, 2017 4:24 PM (Six Swords Game)

The Guardian ‘She has a name’: Amazon’s Alexa is a sleeper hit, with serious superfans Tuesday 26 April 2016 06.00 EDT (StarLanes Game)

CNN “Eight Odd Tricks to Try with your Amazon Echo” March 11, 2016: 10:14 AM ET (StarLanes Game)

3PO-LABS: Alexa, Echo and Voice Interface VUXCELLENCE: SIX SWORDS June 29, 2017 (Six Swords Game)

PC Magazine “The Best Amazon Alexa Skills” March 24, 2017 8:00AM EST (Acoustic Metronome application)

CNET “43 Games You Can Play with Your Google Home” June 27, 2017 6:22 PM PDT (Six Swords game, SubWar game, 21 BlackJack game)

VoiceBot.AI VoiceBot Podcast “Interview with Jo Jaquinta, Alexa Game Developer Extraordinaire” Episode 9 Bret Kinsella

TechCrunch “Amazon Alexa Passes 15,000 Skills, up from 10,000 in February” Posted Jul 3, 2017

Dublin Design Thinking and Service Design Meetup “Voice Technology: What Does It Mean For Design?” Paccar Theater, Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin August 29, 2017 6:30PM

New York TimesChatting Up the Google AssistantJ. D. Biersdorfer

Voice Conference Berlin, Germany 2018, Featured Sessions:

Tom’s Guide “The 39 Best Things Google Assistant Can Do For You”  Get a Motivational Quote

Interconnected Minds Podcast Episode 4, The Voice Industry, Guest Colella

TechCrunch  “Amazon’s new Alexa developer policy now bans all ads except in music and flash briefings” April 20, 2017

You can find references to some of our more ephemeral news pieces from Amazon Alexa Skills Kit Developer News, Twitch, and BLOC.

Please contact us for more information.