Category: Uncategorized

Scientists Hack Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant

Scientists Hack Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant Researchers at the University of Michigan and Japan’s University of Electro-Communication managed to hack into voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant. Using lasers with direct line-of-sight, the researchers shone invisible

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Why Develop Voice Games?

Why Develop Voice Games? Everybody loves games, right? Is it any wonder why games are a popular development option for any platform, including voice? But there are other reasons for people to focus on developing games for Voice.  Game development

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Voice Assistants & Privacy Concerns?

Voice Assistants & Privacy Concerns? Amazon has an on-going PR problem around Alexa. Some of it is merited as a software glitch sent a recorded transcript of a private conversation to a third party. Some of it is not. Today

Posted in Alexa, Amazon, Analytics, Google, Google Assistant, Uncategorized

Inventing the Voice Assistant User Interface (Part 1)

Inventing the Voice Assistant User Interface (Part 1) In the Voice Assistant (VA) community, there has been a long-running discussion on the nature of the user interface. How natural should the interface be? What makes for perfect communication? What is

Posted in Amazon, Analytics, Google, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Uncategorized, Voice Assistant

Amazon’s Shout Out for Six Swords

Amazon’s Shout Out for Six Swords TsaTsaTzu We’ve just been told that our own Six Swords got another shout out from an Amazon Alexa evangelist during a interview. Thank you, Paul Cutsinger! We always appreciate your kinds words. You

Posted in Alexa, Amazon, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Uncategorized

The Berlin Voice Conference 2018

The Berlin Voice Conference 2018 TsaTsaTzu We’ve just returned from a fantastic conference in Berlin on Voice Assistants and Machine Learning –  all courtesy of Software & Support Media GmbH – where we delivered a program on managing the UX challenges

Posted in Alexa, Amazon, Analytics, Echo, Google, Google Assistant, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Uncategorized

What We Wish We’d Known About Audio Games Design (Part III)

What We Wish We’d Known About Audio Games Design (Part III) TsaTsaTzu Our game StarLanes was the first massively multiplayer online game for Voice. It also has, as noted in the previous post, a complex, complicated codebase. StarLanes is so

Posted in Alexa, Amazon, Analytics, Echo, Google, Google Assistant, Management Consulting, Uncategorized

Alexa Reaches For The Next Level of IoT

  Alexa Reaches For The Next Level of IoT Amazon has made no secret of its ambitions for the Internet of Things (IoT). Alexa is meant to lock users into the Amazon ecosystem – providing access to products, services and

Posted in Alexa, Amazon, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Uncategorized


THE VA CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Amazon has long touted its commitment to the customer experience, and its employees will repeat the mantra – without much prompting – linking the company’s success to its focus on ” what its customers want.” The

Posted in Alexa, Amazon, Echo, Google, Google Assistant, Google Home, IT Solutions, Uncategorized


VOICE TECHNOLOGY: WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR DESIGN? TsaTsaTzu Earlier this evening, our CTO Joseph Jaquinta was the invited speaker for the 1000+ member strong Dublin Design Thinking and Service Design Meetup at the Paccar Theater in the Science Gallery

Posted in Alexa, Amazon, Analytics, Echo, Google, Google Assistant, Google Home, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Uncategorized