Category: Management Consulting

Voice Con 2020 Berlin

Voice Con 2020 Berlin Please join us for all the fantastic talks at VoiceCon 2020 this year. We’re looking forward to great sessions like Ralf Eggert’s Alexa, what’s next?, Dr. Christoph Esslinger’s The Age of Assistants – Will you add

Posted in Alexa, Google Assistant, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Voice Assistant

AVAILABLE NOW Voice UX Design – Tackling the Discoverability Issue

AVAILABLE NOW  Voice UX Design – Tackling the Discoverability Issue We just released our latest book on Voice Assistants — Voice UX Design: Tackling the Discoverability Issue — which focuses on what we as developers can do to improve on

Posted in Alexa, Amazon, Echo, Google, Google Assistant, Google Home, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Voice Assistant

Will Improvement in Voice Technology Eliminate the Need for Voice UX Design?

Will Improvements in Voice Technology Eliminate the Need for Voice UX Design? With our book Voice UX Design, we are aiming to avoid the standard, party-line approach to usability in Voice, which — frankly speaking — doesn’t work. Software programmers

Posted in Alexa, Amazon, Analytics, Google, Google Assistant, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Voice Assistant

Hands-Free Just Got A Bit Easier With Google Assistant

Hands-Free Just Got A Bit Easier With Google Assistant In the latest step towards a “Hands Free” existance, Google has enabled users of Google Assistant to send and receive short audio clips. The idea is to record and send a

Posted in Google, Google Assistant, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Uncategorized, Voice Assistant

Voice Information Density & Accessibility

Voice Information Density & Accessibility Visual User Interfaces (VUI) are information dense. They allow users to skip ahead or scan for keywords. They provide pictures that are — as the saying goes — worth a thousand words. In this sense,

Posted in Alexa, Analytics, Google Assistant, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Voice Assistant

Report: Voice Assistant Usage Rates Double By 2024

Report: Voice Assistant Usage Rates Double By 2024 With the onset of the COVID lockdown in the United States and elsewhere, we are expecting consumers to spend more time at home alone with their devices. We’ve already documented an uptick

Posted in Alexa, Google Assistant, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Uncategorized, Voice Assistant

Juniper Report: Voice Development Opportunities

Juniper Report: Voice Development Opportunities Today’s Juniper Research report makes mention of two big growth areas for software developers focusing on Voice Assistants. It suggests that the bulk of the growth will be in the area of TV connected devices.

Posted in Alexa, Google Assistant, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Uncategorized, Voice Assistant

Is Shopping With Voice A Bust?

Is Shopping With Voice A Bust? Amazon shareholders got a bit of bad news from a recent eMarketer report. US consumers have embraced the smart speaker trend, snapping up millions of devices. However, they tend to use their new Voice

Posted in Alexa, Google Assistant, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Uncategorized, Voice Assistant

Google Pixel 4: Speech to Text

Google is publicizing the new Pixel 4 and Pixel 4Xl by emphasizing a “breakthrough new feature,” that is, a recorder app that can transcribe spoken audio in real-time with impressive accuracy. The tool is being touted for its applications for

Posted in Google, IT Solutions, Management Consulting, Voice Assistant

Is Voice for Hard-core Gamers?

Is Voice for Hard-core Gamers? As developer’s we’re always questioning what sort of applications are worth the time investment. Our first aim is to maximize user engagement which corresponds with high levels of usage and monetization. At a recent game

Posted in Alexa, Amazon, Analytics, Echo, Google, Google Assistant, Google Home, IT Solutions, Management Consulting