Shambalator Class Escort (Military Starship)

The Shambalator class was designed for the Imperial Glisten Navy as an escort vessel for merchant ships and for piracy suppression, and as such did not need to be an exceedingly capable design. It was also one of the first ships designed by the IGN after the high power density TL15 fusion plants became available, and as such was something of an experimental design. The provision of a battery of high energy weapons was required by BuShip, along with a model 9 computer. The latter reduces crew requirements substantially, and is considered to be one of the few positive features of the design. Since the power plant is only required to meet peak performance during combat, the endurance of the vessel can be increased to 26 days when operating without weapon use or extended acceleration over 1G. This policy of tradeoffs in the design also led to the unfortunate side effect of the vessel having insufficient power to operate the inertial compensators at accelerations of over 2Gs. The Shambalators are dependent on o

utside fuel purification capability. Despite these flaws, 600 were initially built, and performed adequately in the Fifth Frontier War. About 450 remain in active service with the IGN. As of 1117, an additional 30 had been transferred to the Glisten Patrol and Revenue Service. The price given below includes the two Stinger class light fighters. PARS vessels do not carry fighters, replacing them with a small utility craft such as the ConTech minilaunch.

CraftID: Shambalator class Escort, TL15, MCr443
Hull: 540/1350, Disp=600, Config=1AF, Armor=49G, Unloaded=5132t, Loaded=5669t
Power: 15/30, Fusion=3960MW, Dur=9.5/28.5
Loco: 17/34, Jump=2, 44/88, Maneuver=3 (Thrusters=31200t), TrueAcc=5.5G, NOE=190kph, Cruise=2730kph, Max=3640kph, Agility=0
Comm: Radio=System, LaserComm=System, MaserComm=System
Sensors: EMM EMS Active(Far Orbit), EMS Jammer(Far Orbit), EMS Passive(Interstellar), High Pen Densitometer(1km), Neutrino Sensor(10kw), ActObjScan=Rout, ActObjPin=Rout, PassObjScan=Rout, PassObjPin=Rout, PassEnScan=Simp, PassEnPin=Rout
      BeamLaser=xx4      Missile=x03    PartAcc=002
      Batteries   2                1              1
      Bearing     2                1              1
          Batteries    1
          Bearing      1
Control: Computer Mod9*3, LargeHoloDisplay*1
Accom: Crew=8 (1 Command, 1 bridge, 1 engineer, 1 gunnery, 4 flight), Staterooms=7, Env=basic env, basic ls, extended ls, grav plates, inertial comp
Other: Fuel=5776kl (427t), Cargo=0, Missile Magazine=6kl (60 missiles, 20 battery rounds), Fuel Scoops, Subcraft=2 Stinger class Fighters ObjSize=Avg, EmLevel=Faint

Author: R.S.Dean