The Kao Chu class vessels of the Imperial Glisten Navy were officially referred to as destroyers when constructed, despite the fact that vessels in their displacement class are more typically rated as light escorts or close escorts. This peculiarity in IGN nomenclature was adjusted to match Imperial norms after the Fifth Frontier War, and the survivors of the initial class of 300 were redesignated as 'light escorts'. As the Type 1107 destroyers became available after the war, the Chus were placed in mothballs at Glisten, and several of the ships which had been severely damaged during the war and hastily repaired were scrapped. At the time of the Emperor's assassination, the Naval Department at Glisten was considering transferring some of the mothballed ships to local planetary navies, or selling some with weapons packages removed as couriers. There was little public interest in the latter concept, and the former was shelved when the Aslan advance made it necessary to reactivate the ships to support the Imp
erial Navy in the Trojan Reach sector.
Following the war, most of the active vessels were re-equipped with Type 1112 landing boats in place of their original pinnaces The statistics shown below reflect this change. The vessel typically operates at 26% power, enough for life support and 1-G maneuver, allowing up to 60 days per fuel load.
CraftID: | Kao Chu class Destroyer, TL14, MCr1292.4 |
Hull: | 900/2250, Disp=1000, Config=1SL, Armor=67G, Unloaded=28648t, Loaded=30586t |
Power: | 122/244, Fusion=16470MW, Dur=15.5 days at full power |
Loco: | 27/54, Jump=2, 153/306, Maneuver=6 (Thrusters=110.5kt), MaxSpeed=1000kph, Cruise=750kph, TrueAcc=3.61G, Agility=3 |
Comm: | Radio=System*3, Laser=System*3, Maser=System*3 |
Sensors: | EMS Active(FarOrbit)*3, EMS Jammer (FarOrbit)*3, EMS Passive(Interstellar)*3, Neutrino Sensor (10kw)*3, High Pen Densitometer (250m)*3, ActObjScan=Rout, ActObjPin=Rout, PassObjScan=Rout, PassObjPin=Rout, PassEnScan=Simp, PassEnPin=Rout |
Off: | Hardpoints=10 Missile=x04 FusionGun=x06 BeamLaser=xx4 Batteries 2 1 2 Bearing 2 1 2 |
Def: | DefDm+10 Sandcaster=xx4 Batteries 2 Bearing 2 |
Control: | Computer Mod7*3, HeadsUpHoloDisplay*12, HoloLink*120 |
Accom: | Crew=42 (3 command, 4 bridge, 4 engineer, 5 gunnery, 4 flight, 21 marines, 1 medical), Staterooms=21, Env=basic env, basic ls, extended ls, grav plates, inertial comp |
Other: | Fuel=5426kl (1 Jump-2+15.5 days), Cargo=0, Missile Magazine=60kl (100 b-r), Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purifier (33hr), Subcraft=2*40t (Type 1112 Landing Boats), ObjSize=Large, EmLevel=Moderate |
Author: R.S.Dean